Sunday, December 29, 2019

Citas con USCIS para informacin migratoria - INFOPASS

Los empleados del Servicio de Inmigracià ³n y Ciudadanà ­a (USCIS, por sus siglas en inglà ©s) pueden ser la mejor fuente de informacià ³n para resolver dudas migratorias generales o para informar sobre estado del caso. Si se desea cerrar una cita para presentarse en una oficina del USCIS se puede hacer desde casa, ingresando por internet en la pà ¡gina oficial de este organismo en el apartado de InfoPass. Sin duda esta puede ser una buena opcià ³n para obtener informacià ³n de inmigracià ³n de calidad, aunque conviene tener muy presente que el USCIS nunca va a actuar como asesor legal. Para eso està ¡n los abogados, que cada persona debe elegir libremente, si desea contar con ese servicio. Cà ³mo se cierrauna cita con InfoPass En la pà ¡gina del USCIS, hay una opcià ³n en la barra izquierda de la pantalla para elegir el idioma, entre los que està ¡n incluidos el espaà ±ol y el inglà ©s. Deberà ¡n rellenarse los campos en los que se pide que se escriba el nombre de la persona que va a acudir a la cita, su nà ºmero de telà ©fono, su fecha de nacimiento y el cà ³digo postal (zip code) en el que reside. InfoPass ofrece citas para, aproximadamente, dos semanas despuà ©s. Se puede elegir el dà ­a y la hora que mà ¡s convienen, si està ¡n disponibles. Al finalizar el proceso de solicitud de cita, aparecerà ¡ en la pantalla una confirmacià ³n de la misma en la que se incluye el dà ­a, fecha y lugar en el que hay que presentarse. Esta informacià ³n debe imprimirse y llevarla a la entrevista con el oficial del USCIS. Si se pierde la hoja, debe imprimirse otra volviendo a entrar en Info Pass. Si se pide una cita para mà ¡s de una persona, el sistema no admite que se pueda cerrar una seguida de la otra. Deberà ¡ esperarse al menos media hora para realizar las citas. O tambià ©n es posible hacerlo inmediatamente si se utiliza o bien otra computadora o bien un navegador distinto. Por ejemplo, utilizar Explorer o Firefox para la primera vez y Chrome para la segunda.  ¿Por quà © Info Pass no me permite cerrar una cita? Es relativamente comà ºn que cuando se intenta utilizar Info Pass se obtiene un mensaje de error. Esto es porque el sistema està ¡ al mà ¡ximo de su capacidad. Se puede intentar varias veces, hasta que funcione o bien se puede intentar en las horas de la madrugada. Menos personas lo intentan en esos momentos lo que hace mà ¡s probable que el sistema funcione adecuadamente.  ¿Quà © pasa si surge un imprevisto y no puedo acudir a la cita con el USCIS? Se puede cambiar el dà ­a y la hora de la cita. Basta con entrar de nuevo en la pà ¡gina de INFOPASS y hacer los cambios necesarios. Se necesita tener a mano la hoja impresa con la confirmacià ³n de la cita inicial, ya que à ©sta contiene un nà ºmero de confirmacià ³n que es necesario saber para hacer el cambio de cita para la entrevista en el USCIS.  ¿Quà © se debe llevar a la cita con el USCIS? 1. Todos los documentos relativos a la pregunta que se quiere formular. Si el original està ¡ en un idioma distinto al inglà ©s, debe traducirse. 2. La hoja de confirmacià ³n de la cita de Info Pass. 3. Una identificacià ³n oficial como por ejemplo la green card, el pasaporte, el I-94, la licencia de manejar del estado en el que se reside, el permiso de trabajo o cualquier otro I.D. emitido por las autoridades americanas. 4 .Es posible ir acompaà ±ado de una persona que haga de intà ©rprete, si no se entiende o habla bien el inglà ©s. Puede ser un familiar o un amigo, pero tiene que ser mayor de 21 aà ±os. Presentarse sin cita en una oficina del USCIS Si se necesita hacer la consulta con carà ¡cter de  urgencia  siempre es posible acudir a las oficinas locales del USCIS y esperar en fila hasta que un oficial pueda atender la pregunta.   A veces la  espera  dura horas e incluso es posible que se deba volver al dà ­a siguiente y hacer la espera de nuevo. Esto ocurre cuando el mismo dà ­a y en la misma delegacià ³n de Inmigracià ³n hay un nà ºmero muy grande de personas esperando para hacer su consulta. Otras formas de obtener informacià ³n migratoria Si la pregunta se refiere al estatus de un caso pendiente, el proceso a seguir es otro. Permitià ©ndose consultas electrà ³nicas, telefà ³nicas y, por supuesto, en persona. Si la duda se refiere a los tiempos medio de demora para trà ¡mites, estas  son las demoras migratorias para peticiones de green card  de familia, trà ¡mites de visas, solicitudes al USCIS, y retrasos en las cortes. Si lo que se busca es informacià ³n sobre el rà ©cord migratorio, hay varias formas de obtenerlo, dependiendo de quà © oficina tenga la informacià ³n.   Por otro lado, si lo que se desea es encontrar a una persona que puede estar detenida por Inmigracià ³n, entonces el lugar correcto para preguntar no es USCIS, que no se ocupa de esos asuntos. El camino correcto es contactar con ICE. Finalmente, los mexicanos sin importar su estatus migratorio en los Estados Unidos pueden marcar gratuitamente a un telà ©fono pagado por el sistema consular de su paà ­s. Brinda ayuda importante sobre cà ³mo obtener informacià ³n e incluso realizan ellos gestiones. Finalmente, este es un listado con 10 telà ©fonos en los que se puede resolver dudas migratorias, denunciar fraudes u obtener otra informacià ³n oficial. Consejos importantes para indocumentados Si no tiene todos los documentos en regla y se està ¡ ilegalmente en los Estados Unidos se aconseja que no se presente  voluntariamente en el USCIS para hacer una pregunta. Consulte a un abogado de inmigracià ³n o con una organizacià ³n reputada de apoyo a migrantes con servicio de asesorà ­a legal. La razà ³n para no presentarse en las oficinas en las oficinas del USCIS es que se trata de un edificio federal y pedirà ¡n que toda persona se identifique con un documento que de un modo u otro muestre estatus migratorio en el paà ­s. Podrà ­a darse el caso de que se arrestase al migrante indocumentado.

Saturday, December 21, 2019

Cross Cultural Management- Dancom Case Study - 2037 Words

Drawing on theories of both cross cultural management and motivation, discuss the factors influencing the contrasting behaviour of both the hosting insiders and outsiders at Dancom. What could be done to help the outsiders become more involved? To understand the case we have to first understand the theories of cross culture management and motivation.... we would be later on moving to the introduction and issues at Dancom. The last but not the least would be the suggestions and their implication in relation to the â€Å"outsiders† at Dancom along with the mentioned theories. When a company goes to other country for business there is lot of capital and resources that are invested. There is a very famous saying that â€Å"when in Rome do as Romans†¦show more content†¦Subsequent studies by others covered students in 23 countries, elites in 19 countries, commercial airline pilots in 23 countries, up-market consumers in 15 countries, and civil service managers in 14 countries. Together these studies identified and validated four independent dimensions of national culture differences, with a fifth dimension added later. He has found five dimensions of national culture in his study. These dimensions of national culture are Power Distance, Individualism, Masculinity, Uncertainty avoidance, Long term orientation. These cultural differences describe averages or tendencies and not characteristics of individuals Following are the five dimensions of national culture: Small vs. Large Power Distance: The first dimension indicates the extent to which a society can dominate, to what extent a society can exploit and the unequal distribution of power. The extent to which the less powerful members of institutions and organizations expect and accept that power is distributed unequally. Small power distance (e.g. Austria, Denmark) expect and accept power relations that are more consultative or democratic. People relate to one another more as equals regardless of formal positions. Subordinates are more comfortable with and demand the right to contribute to and critique the decision making of those in higher positions. In large power distance countries

Thursday, December 12, 2019

Role of Media in Healthcare for Culture -

Question: Discuss about theRole of Media in Healthcare in Australia for Culture. Answer: Integrated health is not about promoting healthcare, but it also connects societies. It is a one long strand of a large social fabric, which is the responsibility of every individual and every profession living in the society. This service is a culturally sensitive concern in a country like Australia, as it is a multicultural country (Moorhead et al., 2013). Spreading awareness and informing the governmental laws about healthcare is important, as many people did not have the privileged to acquire quality healthcare. Here comes the role of media in healthcare, which helps to spread the important informations throughout the country. They fulfill their responsibility by spreading the news in populations. Starting from multimedia, mass media, social media and print media, these all help the Australian government by influencing the diverse population with great responsibility (Germov freij, 2013). This essay is going to discuss the role, power and responsibility of media in healthcare se ctor of Australia with critically analyzing some literatures. The assignment will discuss print and mass media communication and its positive and negative aspects of this on healthcare and will discuss the influence of media on culturally safe healthcare. Further, the essay will provide examples of incidences in which the media has influences the healthcare sector of Australia positively or negatively. While describing the role and power of media in healthcare, the reach of media in population should be known. According to the government of Australias statistics, an average Australian spends more than 13 hours of his week watching television. On the other hand, there are more than 8,153,000 people with age more than 16 reads print media every day in Australia. These statistics represents the reach and power of media over the Australian population (Australian Bureau of Statistics, 2017). The younger generation is more attached to other forms of media such as social media and these forms of media affects every aspects of society, including healthcare. Media provides a basic communication stage to the healthcare sector in the country. This communication stage is further used by both private and public healthcare sector to spread the information about healthcare throughout the country. It has ceased the boundaries of people and their culture to spread the healthcare and associated bene fit to communities, who are deprived of this basic human right. Media helps the Australian healthcare sector by promoting the governmental healthcare strategies, movements, health promotional campaigns, spreading awareness about contagious diseases, spreading awareness about epidemics and so on (Flew Swift, 2013). Hence, it could be understood that it plays a role of central information system in the health communication channel. Such roles demonstrates the media as a powerful tool that influences people regardless of their culture, gender, creed and ethnicity. Social media is an example of billions of people on same platform. Therefore, by using social media to spread the healthcare related informations is an important step for healthcare industry in Australia (Zolkepli Kamarulzaman, 2015). As mentioned earlier, media has an immense reach in the population regardless of their gender, creed and ethnicity. Therefore, the influence, which can created by a media campaign have higher affects in the mindset of people than any other things. The awareness spread by media is faster and effect the lifestyle and culture as well. Therefore, there are chances of positive as well as negative influence. Healthcare in Australia is an important aspect and the government never neglects this crucial department, as multi-cultural diversity can create situations that sometimes creates epidemics. Therefore, the government uses the platform of media to spread basic knowledge about healthcare in population. The positive aspect of media in healthcare sector can be estimated by the fact that almost 15,000,000 people in Australians are associated with Facebook and the patients who have arrived at the hospital has mentioned the fact that they have got the information about the healthcare facility through social media or any other form of media. According to another survey, the population has accepted the fact that, people of 18 to 24 year old likely to discuss the about healthcare using social media platform. More than 31 percent of Australian healthcare organization have specific media guidelines attached in their specifications. This is because media provides the stakeholders with the opportunity to collaborate and form a network, to share and facilitate clients personal progress under medication. Beside the positive aspect of media on healthcare, there are some negative aspects as well, that leads to affect the healthcare sector in culturally sensitive society. Media, both print and mass media, has the tendency of biasness because nowadays media is famous for their role in sensitizing facts, news and earning money. This has affected the healthcare sector adversely as some media group supports one healthcare facility or campaign, and some other media group supports another media campaign. This created a dilemma in people who seek care in those healthcare facilities. Furthermore, in this age of social media, there are instances of fake healthcare advises and medicines that are being sensitized to spread social entropy in multi-cultural population of Australia. Hence, the influences of media, despite being positive or negative affects the mindset of common Australians and affects the cultural safety of the multi-diverse society as well (Flew Swift, 2013). The two media platforms that has been used in assignment for critical analysis of role of media in healthcare system of Australia are television or mass media and newspaper or print media. The critical analysis will contain positive as well as negative aspects of these mediums on the healthcare facilities of Australian healthcare department. The positive effects of media on spreading awareness about healthcare are increased accessibility and widened access. Because of the use of media, the health promotional camps can spread their information and awareness throughout the nation and hence, a large population can become aware of the intervention without any delay. The intervention becomes more available and a tailored information provided to the population helps them to take precaution during any health risk. The government also spread their health related policy to the population through newspaper articles or television bulletins and the population is allowed to add their valuable fee dback through their social media portals. The globally famous television channel of Australia namely ABC news takes the responsibility to share news about every devastating disease to Australian population. The news agency spreads awareness about HIV, obesity, diabetes in the population with complete details of its signs and symptoms, its educations and precautions and so on. According to the statistical reports of ABC news 84 percent of Australian follows their channel and through the advertisements and promotional campaigns, the network helps to spread the news of disease in the culturally sensitive population (Australian Broadcasting Corporation, 2017). According to the service, the ABC digital television service is utilized by 98.49 percent of Australians and hence, the government utilize this huge viewership of this channel to spread awareness about healthcare. Cultural safety is an integral part of healthcare as the doctors or nurses or the healthcare staff providing the healthcare should be aware of the cultural backg round of the patient. The SBS media of Australian network devoted a show on cultural safety in Australians and praised the way Australian healthcare workers help the indigenous, aboriginals, and people of other communities in healthcare. On the other hand, media can also affect healthcare negatively. This could be done directly or indirectly. The direct negative impact can be analyzed with social media and its effect on healthcare. Social media can affect the mental as well as physical health of people and due to which, the rate of mental illness among younger generation has been increased. The indirect effect of media on healthcare of culturally sensitive people has adverse effect, as the policy of the government comes under question (Chapman, 2015). An example of such media article was published in the IN daily newspaper of Australia, which stated that the healthcare system has become unsafe for indigenous people. This has several adverse effect on the mental state of people. This is because, several people follow these newspapers and if these newspaper spread news, which can influence a group of people to oppose against the healthcare policies of government, then a state of unrest, arises. This unrest is deleterio us for people who are availing benefits from the governmental healthcare policies with those who has the chance to connect to these policies. Such news bulletins are biased towards political parties and their only aim is to increase their revenue through creating sensational news articles (Willis Elmer, 2011). Several literatures can be used to demonstrate the role of media in promoting or influencing healthcare negatively or positively and putting effect on cultural safety of people of Australia (Walker Orttung, 2014). Television is highly influential, as it has the ability to affect the cultural and lifestyle related stability of people. Irrespective of gender, caste, creed and ethnicity, people watches television and if the news or piece of information, which has been the telecasted has informations that can create entropy amongst population, then it is not appropriate for that society. According to Higgs et al. (2014), the disadvantages of television is negative portrayal of government policies in the society. This is because the television telecasts news that effect the relationship of culturally diverse population and make them believe that if they admit in any healthcare facility, their cultural needs would not be fulfilled (Poteat, German Kerrigan, 2013). On the other hand, the print media is the oldest form of news information portal and due to which the population of readers belongs to every age group, every community and ethnicity. However, because some newspapers are biased or likely to frame to negative aspect of any governmental policy, so many culturally diverse people is trapped in the frame and their health gets affected. According to Perse and Lambe (2016), newspaper is one of the vibrant source of news and hence, the news editors or reporters should bear the responsibility of spreading the positive aspect of healthcare throughout communities and societies. Whereas, in reality they focus on creating unrest situation by criticizing the positive aspects of society. Several literature on the other hand neutralizes the role of media in healthcare. According to Esser (2013), the role and responsibility of media is to criticize the policies of government, irrespective of the fact that it can sensitize the cultural safety issue of population. Therefore, this literature defines it as a critical responsibility of the media and hence justifies such news publication in newspaper articles or television. After the literature review of these papers, it is clear that cultural security is one of the major concerns of the population of Australia and people should be given with such security in a multi-cultural country like Australia. The media plays a pivotal role in determining this security as criticizing the positive aspects of governments health policy, just to earn revenue is against the national ethics and media should take care of this practice. Finally, in the conclusion, it can be said that healthcare is an integral part of the human rights, irrespective of the gender, creed, ethnicity color and educational level. The government should take responsibility to spread the healthcare related information to the entire population and hence, the role of media comes in the scenario. The government uses media as the source to connect to people throughout the country regardless their community or tribe. However, when media houses uses their role, responsibity and power for granted and starts affecting the nation negatively, it creates culturally unsafe situation. There are huge populations who watches television every day or follows newspapers on regular basis. Therefore, such negative news works in the mind of people by dividing the society into fragments and an unrest situation arises. On the other hand, positive aspects of media helps to spread the awareness in the society. They inform the entire population about the risk factors of healthcare and provides them with interventions that can be helpful for those conditions. The assignment puts some of the positive and negative aspects of media on cultural safety in healthcare facilities of Australia. The assignment presented two newspaper articles that presented the healthcare related news positively and negatively. References Australian Broadcasting Corporation. (2017).Australian Broadcasting Retrieved from Australian Bureau of Statistics. (2017).4172.0 - Arts and Culture in Australia: A Statistical Overview, Retrieved from Biocca, F. (2013).Television and Political Advertising: Volume I: Psychological Processes. Routledge. Chapman, S. (2015). 7. Media Advocacy for Public Health.ANALYTIC APPROACHES WITH STREET WISDOM, 91. Esser, F. (2013). Mediatization as a challenge: Media logic versus political logic. InDemocracy in the Age of Globalization and Mediatization(pp. 155-176). Palgrave Macmillan UK. Flew, T., Swift, A. (2013). Regulating journalists? The Finkelstein Review, the Convergence Review and news media regulation in Australia.Journal of Applied Journalism Media Studies,2(1), 181-199. Germov, J., Freij. M. (2013). Media and health: moral panics, miracles, and medicalisation. In J. Germov (Ed.), Second opinion: introduction to health sociology (5th ed.). (pp.337-355). South Melbourne, Vic: Oxford University Press. Higgs, E. S., Goldberg, A. B., Labrique, A. B., Cook, S. H., Schmid, C., Cole, C. F., Obregn, R. A. (2014). Understanding the role of mHealth and other media interventions for behavior change to enhance child survival and development in low-and middle-income countries: an evidence review.Journal of health communication,19(sup1), 164-189. Moorhead, S. A., Hazlett, D. E., Harrison, L., Carroll, J. K., Irwin, A., Hoving, C. (2013). A new dimension of health care: systematic review of the uses, benefits, and limitations of social media for health communication.Journal of medical Internet research,15(4). Perse, E. M., Lambe, J. (2016).Media effects and society. Routledge. Poteat, T., German, D., Kerrigan, D. (2013). Managing uncertainty: a grounded theory of stigma in transgender health care encounters.Social Science Medicine,84, 22-29. Walker, C., Orttung, R. W. (2014). breaking The neWS: The role of STaTe-run meDia.Journal of Democracy,25(1), 71-85. Willis, K., Elmer, S. (2011). Society, culture and health an introduction to sociology for nurses. (2nd ed.). (pp45-65). South Melbourne, Vic: Oxford University Press.